Activities referenced are PINDAR or involved a PINDAR Principal at a previous or predecessor
City Park Pavilion
Denver, Colorado
Home of City Park Jazz
PINDAR: Public/Private Partnership with the City and County of Denver
to finance and redevelop the boarded up building and grounds as well
as fundraise seed money to revive the discontinued annual summer music
series. Part of this community service project also involved reviving the
discontinued Run for the Symphony event benefitting the Colorado
Symphony Orchestra.
"So there's an interaction between social, structural and cultural.
And if you want to fully capture the environment you have to show
how these interact."
William Julius Wilson
Harvard University
Supporting neighborhood activities and organizations helps the regeneration of a neighborhood, creates tremendous goodwill inside both the neighborhood and our company and is just good business. Our business is influenced by the relationships we establish with the stakeholders in the neighborhoods where we work. Our experience is that these stakeholders respect and work more constructively with a company that has a demonstrated history of neighborhood involvement. That translates into the more efficient execution of investment objectives. A sampling of organizations, causes and activities we have supported or participated in, past and present, are highlighted below.
Arts & Cultural Support for Disadvantaged Youth Low Income Senior Thanksgiving Dinners
We find that donating time and expertise is tremendously more impactful than just a financial donation. Our experience is that active volunteer participation on boards, panels or task forces brings a business discipline and approach to an organization with far reaching benefits. We encourage and support our Associates time commitment to certain organizations, including out office time during business hours, for these activities and find this to also be a growth experience for our Associates.
School Supplies for Affordable Communities Neighborhood Asset Projects
We support causes and organizations that reflect the core purpose of PINDAR; those contributing to the transformation of neighborhoods. This includes early childhood education & development, transitional housing and green initiatives.
Local Area Food Bank Support Homeless Support Fundraising Events
Home Builders Care Foundation (HBCF)
HomeAid DC
Urban Land Institute (ULI)
Lambda Alpha International (Honorary Society for the Advancement of Land Economics)
Maryland Governor’s Green Building Task Force
National Trust for Historic Preservation
Colorado Coalition for the Homeless (CCH)
Renaissance Housing Development Corporation (RHDC)
For Children Only
InterScape 25 (P3 Urban Freeway Beautification Program)
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The information contained on this website is for information purposes only. It is not to be construed as a recommendation; or an offer to buy or sell; or the solicitation of an offer to buy or sell any financial product or participate in any venture in any jurisdiction in which any such offer or solicitation would be illegal. Any offer to buy, sell or participate in any venture shall be made by separate instrument. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Projects/Investments shown are by PINDAR or key personnel at a prior company.